Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's a Small World...

           One of the incredible things about technology is its ability to make the world smaller.  Through technology, we can put our students in touch with other students around the world, and give them access to things they may never have an opportunity to see in their lifetimes. 

            A great example of this is the Flat Classroom Project, at  This was started by Vicki Davis, of Westwood Schools, USA and Julie Lindsay of the Beijing International School, China.  It focuses on middle and high school students, with the goal of taking down the classroom walls so that the world becomes one unified classroom.  Students work together on projects with other classrooms around the world. 

            I believe that teachers should take advantage of technological resources, from Google Earth, to virtual field trips, to the Flat Classroom Project to expose students to other cultures and ways of life.  This is the best way to increase understanding and teach tolerance. 

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