Monday, April 23, 2012

Micro Lesson #2 - Designing Instruction

This lesson creatively integrates science, social studies and technology.  It starts out with a story, a myth about the phases of the moon, and then continues to explain the science behind the myth.  The lesson is organized to engage the students from the beginning, and help them make a personal connection to the science that follows.  The lesson also helps students see that subjects like social studies and science do not exist in isolation, but can be learned in conjunction with each other. 

This lesson allows for students to demonstrate their knowledge in several ways. Students have the opportunity to draw, to physically move their bodies and other objects, and to explain verbally. Including these elements in a lesson increases the probability that each student will be able to grasp the material in some way, depending on their individual learning styles. Students will also have the opportunity to collaborate with a partner, which allows the teacher to match students who work well together or who may be able to assist each other in completing the project. Also, during the time that each partnership is creating their mini-documentary, the teacher will have the opportunity to check in with each group and help in any way needed. The integration of technology provides a way for students who may be physically unable to move their bodies as instructed to still fully participate in the lesson. They could use various software programs to draw or otherwise visually represent the material. Advanced learners who complete the project early could research other myths about the moon and find a creative way to present those to the class.

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